From I Learn…

...To WE Learn

The Unicorn App (UNIversal COmmunity LeaRNing)
Each One, Teach One
A user-friendly platform that effectively trains tutors/trainers/teachers and gives them practical resources and tools.
No Matter the Current Level of Experience We Train Tutors and Teachers
Fast, Efficient, Highly Practical, User-friendly
Find Out How It Works



Unicorn App Success
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The Power of Unicorn’s
Free One-on-One Tutoring

Engaging Learning
It’s never fun to feel alone or isolated. Peer tutoring/teaching can provide a more social, interactive learning experience…

Easy Administration
With Unicorn, it’s easy to administer a peer tutoring program within your organization, or between “partner schools/organizations.” …

Safe Connections
Schools/organizations can decide who to enter on the Unicorn App. The app emails parents of legal minors to get consent before activation…

Individual, Human Interaction
Unicorn harnesses the power of technology to make a peer tutoring program easy to administer. However, the app is facilitating human interaction and connection…

Youth Empowerment
Youth can relate well to other youth and can play a big role in assisting teachers in the vital work of educating the future generation…

Inclusive Community
Unicorn helps to widen contribution and participation, where teachers, administrators, parents, and students can all work together as a team…

Tutor Training
Unicorn makes it easy to create and assign tutor training materials, and to monitor progress on them. The app also includes free digital tutor training materials that can be used….

Unicorn is flexible and customizable to fit your needs. You can run the program within your organization, or you can decide to partner with one or more other organizations….

Everyone Wins
Tutees: Tutees receive additional individual attention and support.
Tutors: Tutors gain service-learning…
Create and Share Customized Learning Materials

- Create assignments by entering or uploading text, documents, video, images, essay boxes, drawing boxes, or feedback boxes.
- Use the Unicorn custom Learning Guide Creator to easily make and assign learning materials in a step-by-step sequence—and monitor progress on them.
- Tutors can create custom assignments for their students.
- Teachers and administrators can upload learning materials for use.
- Teachers and administrators can also create custom materials to train volunteer tutors—or use Unicorn’s free tutor training materials.
- Unicorn’s tutor training materials include a collection of short ebooks and videos to help volunteers learn about key tutoring principles and watch them in practice.
Universal Education is a Team Effort.
YOU Make a Difference.