Help Others Learn!
Unicorn (UNIversal COmmunity LeaRNing)
A Free, Global
Community Learning Platform
The Unicorn platform is a leader in facilitating the effective training and activation of tutors—from peer tutors to pro tutors. We empower youth, adults, and other community stakeholders to connect, participate, and contribute to improved educational access, equity, and results.
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Unicorn App Success
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The Power of Unicorn’s
Free One-on-One Tutoring
Engaging Learning
It’s never fun to feel alone or isolated. Peer tutoring/teaching can provide a more social, interactive learning experience. Learning can become more engaging and meaningful, with stronger learning outcomes.
Easy Administration
With Unicorn, it’s easy to administer a peer tutoring program within your organization, or between “partner schools/organizations.” You can enter and connect tutors and tutees. You can easily send/receive messages on the app. Tutors can keep records of tutor sessions in a virtual student folder. The app keeps statistics of tutoring delivered. Custom assignments can be sent to tutors and/or tutees.
Safe Connections
Schools/organizations can decide who to enter on the Unicorn App. The app emails parents of legal minors to get consent before activation. Instead of phone (SMS) communication, chat messages are sent via the app and can be seen and monitored by organizational personnel.
Individual, Human Interaction
Unicorn harnesses the power of technology to make a peer tutoring program easy to administer. However, the app is facilitating human interaction and connection. Unicorn makes it easy to pair tutors with tutees, to give tutors training, to provide tutees with instructional material, to monitor progress and statistics, and to facilitate communication.
Youth Empowerment
Youth can relate well to other youth and can play a big role in assisting teachers in the vital work of educating the future generation. By participating in peer tutoring programs, youth are not pretending real-world experience; they are actively contributing, they are carrying out a vital role, and they are learning and growing while doing so in a fantastic win-win proposition.
Inclusive Community
Unicorn helps to widen contribution and participation, where teachers, administrators, parents, and students can all work together as a team. Unicorn helps to create a culture of collaboration, service, and teamwork in the field of education.
Tutor Training
Unicorn makes it easy to create and assign tutor training materials, and to monitor progress on them. The app also includes free digital tutor training materials that can be used. You can make general tutor training materials, or you can create specific assignments for one or more tutors.
Unicorn is flexible and customizable to fit your needs. You can run the program within your organization, or you can decide to partner with one or more other organizations. You can assign tutors and tutees in a manner that suits your needs. You can incorporate the materials that you choose to use.
Everyone Wins
Tutees: Tutees receive additional individual attention and support.
Tutors: Tutors gain service-learning experience, social-emotional and communication skills, reinforced personal learning, increased responsibility, community service credit, and college-application resume material.
Parents: Children benefit from, increased personal attention, interaction, and engagement.
Teachers/Administrator: Unicorn makes it easy to implement peer tutoring, a research-backed practice that improves educational engagement and outcomes. With students themselves participating in the education process, classroom management is easier.
Community: The community is greatly served because wide-scale, one-on-one support is possible without huge costs.